Darkest dungeon crashes on cove boss
Darkest dungeon crashes on cove boss

Last time I went, (shortly after the addition of the Cove) the monsters hit waaaaay too hard than any other monster I've ever encountered at that difficulty level. I don't feel confident to go back to The Cove just yet. Instead of having EVERY monster do it, you just lower the number without it being TOO overwhelming. I personally think that was a good move on your part. It might be just me, but did you limit to what enemies LEAVE a corpse? I notice that not every enemy does, i.e. Plus with the addition of the lovely artwork for each unique enemies corpse, I have some more insentive to try. I haven't read too much on the newest patch released but, I've already defeated both the Necro Apprentice and Wizened Hag, with all the options intact, corpses and all. Before the most recent patch, post-Cove, I was going back to just turning off the Corpses in the main menu and going back to what I've been used to.

darkest dungeon crashes on cove boss darkest dungeon crashes on cove boss darkest dungeon crashes on cove boss

I gotta be honest with ya'll, I'm finding the game rather balanced at this point. Concerning the newest update and the addition of the Cove:

Darkest dungeon crashes on cove boss